Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A little windy, then whaaam دعاء الريح

Well, I was working away no my comptuer at work, glanced over the window, a little dusty outside. Then back to my computer; Suddenly my collegue exclaims "What the! look outside", I glance over and woaaaaah! I leave you with the photos below (some from 18th floor overlooking the city!).

But first, supplication to say when it is windy like that:

دعاء هبوب الريح

اللهم إني أسألك خيرها وخير ما فيها وخير ما أرسلت به، وأعوذ بك من شرها وشر ما فيها وشر ما أرسلت به.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Kuwait Elections & Blogs on Alrai TV right now!

The program Umma2008 on al-Rai TV is dedicating tonight's episode to what effect Blogs have on the elections decisions! The two guests right now are two Kuwaiti bloggers...

lol... the presenter just asked them, complaining, describing what he is seeing often on the blogs:
"When I check your blogs, I find the posts and replies like this:
1: Jazak Allah Khair
2: Waiakaum
3: loooool
4: Wow, great post
Your friends are your friends and it is like you have to commend each other; nothing new"


Monday, April 28, 2008

Dust or Fog?

Well, I guess everyone is going to say something about the surprise weather this morning, so I might as well.

Big surprise this morning. As I headed out the house tagging the twins along to drop to school, visibility was low.

You couldn't tell just by looking at it whether it is fog or dust! Only after you choke on the dust do you confirm :)

I'll leave leave with picture I've taken, the last one is from the 18th floor where you usually get a nice view of the city; not today...

Friday, April 25, 2008

Traffic Disputes + Disrespect -> Murder

Well, it finally happened:

I don't mean the murder itself, but the reason leading to it; dispute over a parking space!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Poster Girls & Kuwait Traffic

About three weeks ago at The Avenues, I sat at a coffee shop while the wife shopped around, and I picked up a copy of Kuwait (Friday) Times. I don't usually read the English newspapers, but for some reason I picked that one up that day.

Perhaps the reason is for me to read this article in it:

As I read through the article, at first I was confused then I got furious; but as I tried to understand the writer's point of view and where he was coming from, I calmed down and started looking at the points he raised. Immediately after that I felt an urge to comment on the article on the news papers site; but the site doesn't seem to allow comments on articles, so instead that drove me to something that I always wanted to do: start a blog :)

Sure, I posted before on sites here and there (even a spaces/ blog) and I am more or less active on Facebook, but those were focused posts and not a general open blog about anything :)

So, anyway, here we go. My first general ramblings blog.
As for the Post Girls article, I reserve the right to reply to it covering the points raised by the author one by one. Some of them are just down right preposterous and so out of context!

As for this post, I'll just mention something about Kuwait traffic! I know I know, it is almost a cliche now to blog about traffic in Kuwait; "Traffic" is becoming a synonym of Kuwait these days. Still, I want to describe what I went through tonight.

I don't usualy go out on Thursday nights; the family visits some relatives and I usually hit the gym straight from work or stay home working or reading (and now: blogging! yeaay!). But today, my 6 year old son fell at home causing a huge bump above his left eye. So, insted of my wife taking him along for the family visit, I took him to the doctor (no serious damage; see photo).

Then we stopped by the coop to buy some fruits and vegs; then he complained of being hungry; so was I. So, I decided I'd take him out for dinner just the two of us (he only has two sisters, and you can tell he could use some time away from them! lol).

So anyway, given that I live in Jabriya (I know I know... I shouldn't be complaining about traffic since it is the norm there!), instead of thinking which restaurant to go to, I was thinking which road is best to get me out of here!! So, my restaurant choice was pretty much dictated by the traffic! lol.

So, I first tried heading out the 5th ring road... the traffic was backed up all the way to Hadi hospital! Bad idea. And I figured, all other exists towards the city or Salmiya will be worse. So I decided to take Fahaheel road and see where that takes me! As soon as I got passed the intersection with the 5th ring road, it was a pretty much smooth ride all the way to the 6th ring road. I took the exit and just drove all the way until I approaced the exit leading to the airport; so I figured, what the heck, let's go to the airport; it can't be much worse.

Well, it was bad, but I'm sure not as bad as city/Salmiya.

So, here we are, at Pizza Express at the airport. Our main course just arrived, yumm :)
