Friday, January 16, 2009
Outgoing Bush saving Israeli government face
It seems with time running out before the new administration takes over, the outgoing Bush administration is trying to save the current 'israeli' government's face for their upcoming elections!
Condoleezza Rice appeared overly ecstatic as she smiles and kisses blood thirsty Tzipi Livni in DC today. Out of no where, Livni flew to D.C. to sign a "memorandum of understanding" to curb the smuggling of weapons into Gaza by boosting intelligence cooperation and border monitoring. This allows Livni to tell the 'israeli' media that 'we got something important out of this' (to counter act the expectance of actual 'israeli' arm casualty figures after the dust settles)
In other words, the U.S. army arsenal (particularly gunships to block shipments through sea to Gaza) is now 'officially' under the disposal of 'israel' (The U.S. is already providing the white phosphors and other munition to 'israel' from its stockpiles in its basis in Qatar and Afghanistan)
The A.P. reports: "The two-and-a-half page document outlines a framework under which the United States commits certain assets, including detection and surveillance equipment, as well as logistical help and training to Israel, Egypt and other nations that would be involved in monitoring Gaza's land and sea borders."
It's very clear now. They are preparing to stop the attack and incursion into Gaza and want to squeeze Gaza further to strip the resistance of its weapons in the future; thereby curbing any effective opposition to expected 'israeli' terms. It seems they went to bed with the Egpytian regime and settled this issue, then consumated it with this memorandom.
By "logistical help and training" no doubt they mean monitoring Egypt's own monitoring of its borders with Gaza to ensure that they are halting the smuggling; this way Egypt loses this card.
Along with this news, some channels reported that the U.S. middle command base in Qatar is already on 'alert'.
The question now is, how will this all play out on the field? And how far will the Egyptian regime be able to committ to this with all the public pressure (Egyptian MPs and public demonstrations, etc...). And what other options and fronts, if any, will open for the resistance?
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Will I see my son (alive) again?
As I dropped my kids to their school today and headed back to my car, I shuddered when I thought about parents in Gaza waking up this morning having lost all their children! Going to sleep tonight not knowing whether they'll still be parents in the morning or not?
I recalled the distraught gaze on the face of a father staring into his dead 2 or 3 year old son... kissing his face gently... repeatedly... repeating "you died my son? you died?" "متت يا ابني... متت؟"
Couldn't help but think as I drove away... will I see my kids alive again?
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said: "If the child of a person dies, Allah says to the angels: 'Have you have taken the soul of the son of my slave?' The angels say: 'Yes, our Lord.' Allah tells them: 'Have you taken the fruit of his heart?' The angels reply: 'Yes, our Lord.' Allah says: 'What did my slave say?' The angels reply: 'He praised you, and said we all belong to Allah, and to Him we return.' So our Lord, the Most Powerful, and Most Majestic says: 'Build a house for my slave in Heaven, and name it the house of praise.'" (narrated by Tirmidhi)
The women once told Prophet Muhammad: "The men have the advantage in your company over us, so make a day just for us." The Prophet said: "Yes." So the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) came to them one day, and he advised them and talked to them. And from among the things he told them was: "Any woman among you who has three of her children die before her, this will be a barrier for her from the hell-fire." So one woman said: "What about two children?" The Prophet said: "Yes, and two children as well." (Bukhari)
I recalled the distraught gaze on the face of a father staring into his dead 2 or 3 year old son... kissing his face gently... repeatedly... repeating "you died my son? you died?" "متت يا ابني... متت؟"
Couldn't help but think as I drove away... will I see my kids alive again?
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said: "If the child of a person dies, Allah says to the angels: 'Have you have taken the soul of the son of my slave?' The angels say: 'Yes, our Lord.' Allah tells them: 'Have you taken the fruit of his heart?' The angels reply: 'Yes, our Lord.' Allah says: 'What did my slave say?' The angels reply: 'He praised you, and said we all belong to Allah, and to Him we return.' So our Lord, the Most Powerful, and Most Majestic says: 'Build a house for my slave in Heaven, and name it the house of praise.'" (narrated by Tirmidhi)
The women once told Prophet Muhammad: "The men have the advantage in your company over us, so make a day just for us." The Prophet said: "Yes." So the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) came to them one day, and he advised them and talked to them. And from among the things he told them was: "Any woman among you who has three of her children die before her, this will be a barrier for her from the hell-fire." So one woman said: "What about two children?" The Prophet said: "Yes, and two children as well." (Bukhari)
حدثنا سويد بن نصر حدثنا عبد الله بن المبارك عن حماد بن سلمة عن أبي سنان قال
دفنت ابني سنانا وأبو طلحة الخولاني جالس على شفير القبر فلما أردت الخروج أخذ بيدي فقال ألا أبشرك يا أبا سنان قلت بلى فقال حدثني الضحاك بن عبد الرحمن بن عرزب عن أبي موسى الأشعري أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال إذا مات ولد العبد قال الله لملائكته قبضتم ولد عبدي فيقولون نعم فيقول قبضتم ثمرة فؤاده فيقولون نعم فيقول ماذا قال عبدي فيقولون حمدك واسترجع فيقول الله ابنوا لعبدي بيتا في الجنة وسموه بيت الحمد (سنن الترمذي).
عن أبي سعيد , رضي الله عنه , أن النساء قــلن للنبي محمد صلى الله عليه
وسلم اجعل لنا يوماً , فــوعظهن وقــال : أيُما امرأة مات لها ثلاثة من الولد
كانوا حجــابا من النار , قــالت امرأة واثنان قال النبي محمد صلى الله عليه
وسلم واثنان. (رواه البخاري)
دفنت ابني سنانا وأبو طلحة الخولاني جالس على شفير القبر فلما أردت الخروج أخذ بيدي فقال ألا أبشرك يا أبا سنان قلت بلى فقال حدثني الضحاك بن عبد الرحمن بن عرزب عن أبي موسى الأشعري أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال إذا مات ولد العبد قال الله لملائكته قبضتم ولد عبدي فيقولون نعم فيقول قبضتم ثمرة فؤاده فيقولون نعم فيقول ماذا قال عبدي فيقولون حمدك واسترجع فيقول الله ابنوا لعبدي بيتا في الجنة وسموه بيت الحمد (سنن الترمذي).
عن أبي سعيد , رضي الله عنه , أن النساء قــلن للنبي محمد صلى الله عليه
وسلم اجعل لنا يوماً , فــوعظهن وقــال : أيُما امرأة مات لها ثلاثة من الولد
كانوا حجــابا من النار , قــالت امرأة واثنان قال النبي محمد صلى الله عليه
وسلم واثنان. (رواه البخاري)
The photo of a 6 month old dead infant below killed along with other children by Israeli rockets in Gaza way before the current conflict. This was back in February 2008!! See story at:
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Why Hamas?! Yes WHY?
Yes, we ask Why Hamas? Why?
This is not a question directed at Hamas, no. What I mean is why is 'Israel' targeting Hamas at this time and in such a blatantly Holocaust like way (modernized holocaust that is, courtesy of U.S. weapons) which is not usually used by other countries and is abhorred by most of International laws and regulations?
Dr. Mohamad Al-Awadhi exposes the real reason in an excellent article this morning on Al-Rai (
To summarize/translate:
Any follower of typical movements around the world will notice they fall often under one of two categories: a- Either they are Liberation Movements that fight for independence and liberation of countries against a colonizing occupier. b- Or they are political movements working along the internal political reform line; e.g.: Nationalistic, Islamist, Reformist, Leftist and other political denominations/movements.
In both old and modern history, we never find a political movement that worked on both fronts (liberation of a country and political reform at the same time) and succeeded in both!
On the first front, Hamas succeeded in liberating Ghazza (even with the barricade) and in kicking-out the jews during Sharon's time.
On the other front (Internal political front), Hamas as a opposing movement/party took power peacefully through honest elections and in an amazing landslide, then formed the government and legislative council (notice: a success from the first try and not in a gradual process/period and more importantly, as part of the resistance agenda).
This two-part or two-front success was a major cause of concern for two entities:
1- The military success in the field as a liberation movement caused distress to the zionists and the American system. Therefore, they decided to get rid of Hamas because it is the worst alternative to the previous Palestinian Authority (the authority of foresake, compromise and corruption).
2- As for the political success of Hamas as a political movement and what it offered in terms of suggestions, improvements and reform projects... this political success carried indications and evidences that the new Hamasi government is going to succeed in practice, why? Becuase from its foundation, they were in control of many municipalities, workers' unions, student unions and they managed large social/charity institutions that sponsored martyrs and prisoners families, the poor and orphans. They provided an amazing and excellent example and great pragmatic success that increased their trustworthiness among the Palestinian public and it promised a lot more success for their new government.
Just as the Military success grabbed the attention of the zionists and the Americans and caused them discomfort, their success in political reform and state management bothered the corrupt Palestinian Authority and the Arab regimes that are even more corrupt. Therefore, they feared a repeat of this (successful) 'experiment'.
Thus came the alliance between the two arab corruptions (PA & regimes) and Zionist-American to destroy Ghazza and all those in it and not just 'Hamas', but also all the Ghazza population as a punishment for them choosing of Hamas (in the elections).
They were much dismayed and irritated that after a blockade of nearly two years, hundreds of thousands of Ghazians attended the gathering/festival that Hamas held just days before the attack started!
THAT is WHY when we listened to the Zionist leadership as it listed the specific targets for bombardment, the result was not just the destruction of the infra-structure for the Hamasi government, but also we saw the destruction of schools, universities, tens of mosques, residential buildings, money-exchange stores and even a part of al-Shifa hospital which is full patients and doctors!!
The writer then concludes:
I write this article to dispel the naive/idiotic views that abbreviate the graveness of the event and its prepositions, circumstances, accumulations and complexities.... abbreviate all that and claim that the reason for the war (attack) is Hamas' missiles!!!! Bush is saying the war will not stop until Hamas stops its missiles, then the arab media repeats the banality of this statement, and then the Arab citizens swallow this 'joke' and repeat it with great naivety!! But the truth is EXPOSED to all.
Excuse the rough translation. The original is at
This is not a question directed at Hamas, no. What I mean is why is 'Israel' targeting Hamas at this time and in such a blatantly Holocaust like way (modernized holocaust that is, courtesy of U.S. weapons) which is not usually used by other countries and is abhorred by most of International laws and regulations?
Dr. Mohamad Al-Awadhi exposes the real reason in an excellent article this morning on Al-Rai (
To summarize/translate:
Any follower of typical movements around the world will notice they fall often under one of two categories: a- Either they are Liberation Movements that fight for independence and liberation of countries against a colonizing occupier. b- Or they are political movements working along the internal political reform line; e.g.: Nationalistic, Islamist, Reformist, Leftist and other political denominations/movements.
In both old and modern history, we never find a political movement that worked on both fronts (liberation of a country and political reform at the same time) and succeeded in both!
On the first front, Hamas succeeded in liberating Ghazza (even with the barricade) and in kicking-out the jews during Sharon's time.
On the other front (Internal political front), Hamas as a opposing movement/party took power peacefully through honest elections and in an amazing landslide, then formed the government and legislative council (notice: a success from the first try and not in a gradual process/period and more importantly, as part of the resistance agenda).
This two-part or two-front success was a major cause of concern for two entities:
1- The military success in the field as a liberation movement caused distress to the zionists and the American system. Therefore, they decided to get rid of Hamas because it is the worst alternative to the previous Palestinian Authority (the authority of foresake, compromise and corruption).
2- As for the political success of Hamas as a political movement and what it offered in terms of suggestions, improvements and reform projects... this political success carried indications and evidences that the new Hamasi government is going to succeed in practice, why? Becuase from its foundation, they were in control of many municipalities, workers' unions, student unions and they managed large social/charity institutions that sponsored martyrs and prisoners families, the poor and orphans. They provided an amazing and excellent example and great pragmatic success that increased their trustworthiness among the Palestinian public and it promised a lot more success for their new government.
Just as the Military success grabbed the attention of the zionists and the Americans and caused them discomfort, their success in political reform and state management bothered the corrupt Palestinian Authority and the Arab regimes that are even more corrupt. Therefore, they feared a repeat of this (successful) 'experiment'.
Thus came the alliance between the two arab corruptions (PA & regimes) and Zionist-American to destroy Ghazza and all those in it and not just 'Hamas', but also all the Ghazza population as a punishment for them choosing of Hamas (in the elections).
They were much dismayed and irritated that after a blockade of nearly two years, hundreds of thousands of Ghazians attended the gathering/festival that Hamas held just days before the attack started!
THAT is WHY when we listened to the Zionist leadership as it listed the specific targets for bombardment, the result was not just the destruction of the infra-structure for the Hamasi government, but also we saw the destruction of schools, universities, tens of mosques, residential buildings, money-exchange stores and even a part of al-Shifa hospital which is full patients and doctors!!
The writer then concludes:
I write this article to dispel the naive/idiotic views that abbreviate the graveness of the event and its prepositions, circumstances, accumulations and complexities.... abbreviate all that and claim that the reason for the war (attack) is Hamas' missiles!!!! Bush is saying the war will not stop until Hamas stops its missiles, then the arab media repeats the banality of this statement, and then the Arab citizens swallow this 'joke' and repeat it with great naivety!! But the truth is EXPOSED to all.
Excuse the rough translation. The original is at
Friday, January 2, 2009
You shall be questioned لتسألن يومئذ عن النعيم
A striking contrast of two photos on the same newspaper page
"Then, shall ye be questioned that Day about the joy (ye indulged in!)"
ثُمَّ لَتُسْأَلُنَّ يَوْمَئِذٍ عَنِ النَّعِيمِ] {التَّكاثر:8}
[يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّ وَعْدَ الله حَقٌّ فَلَا تَغُرَّنَّكُمُ الحَيَاةُ الدُّنْيَا وَلَا يَغُرَّنَّكُمْ بِالله الغَرُورُ] {فاطر:5}
وقد روى الترمذي ، عن الزبير بن العوام قال : { لما نزلت : { ثم لتسألن يومئذ عن النعيم } قال الزبير : يا رسول الله عن أي نعيم نسأل ، وإنما هما الأسودان التمر والماء ؟ قال : أما إنه سيكون } .
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