It seems with time running out before the new administration takes over, the outgoing Bush administration is trying to save the current 'israeli' government's face for their upcoming elections!
Condoleezza Rice appeared overly ecstatic as she smiles and kisses blood thirsty Tzipi Livni in DC today. Out of no where, Livni flew to D.C. to sign a "memorandum of understanding" to curb the smuggling of weapons into Gaza by boosting intelligence cooperation and border monitoring. This allows Livni to tell the 'israeli' media that 'we got something important out of this' (to counter act the expectance of actual 'israeli' arm casualty figures after the dust settles)
In other words, the U.S. army arsenal (particularly gunships to block shipments through sea to Gaza) is now 'officially' under the disposal of 'israel' (The U.S. is already providing the white phosphors and other munition to 'israel' from its stockpiles in its basis in Qatar and Afghanistan)
The A.P. reports: "The two-and-a-half page document outlines a framework under which the United States commits certain assets, including detection and surveillance equipment, as well as logistical help and training to Israel, Egypt and other nations that would be involved in monitoring Gaza's land and sea borders."
It's very clear now. They are preparing to stop the attack and incursion into Gaza and want to squeeze Gaza further to strip the resistance of its weapons in the future; thereby curbing any effective opposition to expected 'israeli' terms. It seems they went to bed with the Egpytian regime and settled this issue, then consumated it with this memorandom.
By "logistical help and training" no doubt they mean monitoring Egypt's own monitoring of its borders with Gaza to ensure that they are halting the smuggling; this way Egypt loses this card.
Along with this news, some channels reported that the U.S. middle command base in Qatar is already on 'alert'.
The question now is, how will this all play out on the field? And how far will the Egyptian regime be able to committ to this with all the public pressure (Egyptian MPs and public demonstrations, etc...). And what other options and fronts, if any, will open for the resistance?
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